
BBQ & Japan updates

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It’s been another month since I last updated and as expected a lot of things have happened.

I used to work at a chinese restaurant the school got me. And while I am grateful for their efforts I didnt like it very much. It was good to work with Japanese chefs but there was absolutely no time to talk freely since it was always busy. But other than that I was just washing dishes and maybe cooking a little but not much. Carrying hot plates straight out of the machine did some damage to my hands so part of my skin in my fingers kinda melted off a bit and now i have to moisturize it like crazy.

Good news is though I quit that job over a week ago and I now work for Seven Eleven, which is a 24 hours convenience store all over Japan … kinda as popular as Starbucks now that I think about it. Seriously, theyre everywhere. I found the job and applied by myself and got it within that week. So now I have more chances to work with Japanese people and talk to them freely and theyre all extremely nice people too!

School was on a 1 1/2 month Summer break and 2-3 weeks later we’re now in Autumn break for a week. It’s … well I haven’t got any complaints because I still study but its nice to have someone help me in a while.



A few days ago me and some friends went to a BBQ with the owner of the Japanese bar Rough Times. They don’t have a website but they are mentioned here in a food blog site:


Just to better explain what sort of life I have in Japan I made a video and decided to upload it here! So without rambling on, please check it out in HD
